BARAPUJIA HSS is a Co-educational school located in the KAPILI block of NAGAON district in Assam. Established in 1957, it is managed by the Department of Education and serves students from class 6 to class 12. The school is located in a rural. It does not have a pre-primary section. Assamese is the medium of instruction at BARAPUJIA HSS. The school is accessible by all weather road and academic sessions begin in April.
The school has a Government building. It has 15 classrooms in good condition. There is a separate room for the headmaster/teacher Pucca But Broken. The school does not have an electric connection. The source of drinking water is currently not functional. The school has 1 boys toilet and has 2 girls toilet and and it is functional. It have no playground and computers for teaching and learning. However, the school does have a library with 300 books and provides mid-day meals. The disabled students does not need ramps to access classrooms. The school does not have a computer-aided learning lab.
- Total Teacher: 28
- Books in library: 300
- Class 10 Board: State Board
- Classes: From Class 6 to Class 12
- Computer Aided Learning: No
- Contract Teacher: 0
- Female Teacher: 7
- Instruction Medium: Assamese
- Male Teacher: 21
- Pre primary Section: No
- Pre primary Teachers: 0
- Boys toilet: 1
- Building: Government
- Class Rooms: 15
- Computers: 10
- Drinking Water: None
- Girls Toilet: 2
- Is School Residential: No
- Ramps for disabled: No
- Residential Type: Not Applicable
- School Type: Co-educational
- Wall: Pucca But Broken
School Contact
PIN Code: 782107 (INDIA)
Mobile: +91 XXXXX-XXXXX
- Village
- Niz Barapujia
- Cluster
- Block
- District
- State
- Assam
- 1957
- 18100403007
- School Area
- Rural
- Meal Info
- Provided and Prepared in School Premises
- Electricity
- Yes
- Management
- Department of Education
- Has Playground
- No
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